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Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Booth St West, Manchester M15 6PB, UK

Room: 3.111 AMBS
Email: ahmed.kheiri [at]
Research Interests

My research is concerned with the development of heuristic methods for difficult optimisation problems arising in industry and healthcare. The topic is inter-disciplinary, drawing on Operational Research, Computer Science, and elements of Statistics and Applied Probability.

Research Team
First jobs of former students and research fellows are provided.

PhD Students MRes Students Research Fellows Research Assistants Visiting Students Research Funding

Title:                                   STOR-i: A Prediction Model for Algorithm Selection in Solving Combinatorial Optimisation Problems
Funding Body:TESCO
Grant Total:£39,000
Principal Investigator:Ahmed Kheiri
Co-Investigator:Nicos Pavlidis
Project Start Date:October 2022
Length of Project:36 months
Notes:STOR-i, an EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research with substantial industrial engagement

Title:                                   STOR-i: Efficient Design of Grocery Distribution Networks                                                                 
Funding Body:TESCO
Grant Total:£39,000
Principal Investigator:Ahmed Kheiri
Project Start Date:October 2021
Length of Project:36 months
Notes:STOR-i, an EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research with substantial industrial engagement

Title:                                   Heuristics for Commercial Waste Collection with Heterogeneous Electric Vehicles, Time Windows, and Time-Dependent Travel
Funding Body:Innovate UK KTN - Accelerated Knowledge Transfer (AKT) (Ref 1860)
Grant Total:£33,617 (£30,255 from Innovate UK KTN + £3,362 from Optrak)
Industrial Partner:Optrak Distribution Software Limited
Project Start Date:March 2024
Length of Project:4 months
KB Supervisor:Ahmed Kheiri
Notes:Out of 506 applications, our project earned a place among the top 35% successful projects, with a score exceeding 79%

Title:                                   STOR-i: Efficient Network Design with Optimal Slot Offering for Grocery Home Delivery           
Funding Body:TESCO
Grant Total:£39,000
Principal Investigator:Ahmed Kheiri
Co-Investigator:Adam Letchford
Project Start Date:October 2020
Length of Project:36 months
Notes:STOR-i, an EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research with substantial industrial engagement

Title:                                   Catalyst Project
Funding Body:LUMS Research Catalyst Fund
Grant Total:£5,814
Principal Investigator:Ahmed Kheiri
Project Start Date:January 2024
Length of Project:4 months
Notes:This is internal funding from LU intended for the development of a research grant proposal and to cover teaching replacement. My project has been recognised as being of strategic importance to the School's key research themes

Title:                                   Best Base Locations and Team Configurations for NWAA                      
Funding Body:SPECIES (The Society for the Promotion of Evolutionary Computation in Europe and Surroundings) [news]
Grant Total:€2,700
Principal Investigator:Ahmed Kheiri
Project Start Date:October 2020
Length of Project:3 months
Notes:SPECIES offered three competitive scholarships for research students in its areas of interest. Students were asked to select hosts from 18 potential universities, and I was pleased that Lancaster University was one of the three winners

Title:                                   RESilient Emergency Preparedness for Natural Disaster Response through Operational Research (RESPOND-OR) [news1] [news2] [news3] [news4]
Funding Body:EPSRC (Ref EP/T003979/1)
Grant Total:£515,924
Principal Investigator:Konstantinos Zografos
Co-Investigators:Juliana Sutanto, Ahmed Kheiri and Kevin Glazebrook
Project Start Date:October 2019
Length of Project:24 months
Other Researchers:University of Khartoum: Hisham Abushama and Hiba Mohamed Ali. University of Indonesia: Akhmad Hidayatno, Komarudin Komarudin, Heru Suhartanto. Gadjah Mada University: Bertha Maya Sopha
Notes:This project has many stakeholder partners including: From Indonesia: National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), Disaster Management Agency of the Yogyakarta Special Region (BPBD DIY), Humanitarian Forum Indonesia (HFI) and RedR Indonesia. From Sudan: National Council of Civil Defence (NCCD), Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity, Ministry of Health, Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and Nile Basin Institute (NBI)

Title:                                   Developing and Implementing Novel and Advanced, Hyper-heuristics based Routing Technologies for Standard and Non-standard Haulage Markets [news1] [news2]
Funding Body:KTP Scheme (Ref KTP11692)
Grant Total:£207,627 (£139,110 from Innovate UK + £68,517 from Optrak)
Industrial Partner:Optrak Distribution Software Limited
Project Start Date:May 2019
Length of Project:27 months
Academic Team:Ender Ozcan (University of Nottingham) and Ahmed Kheiri
Notes:This is a joint project between the University of Nottingham, Lancaster University and Optrak Distribution Software Limited

Paid Consultancy

Title:                                   Optimising Base Locations: An Evidence-Based Approach to Enhance Accessibility for NWAA Doctors, Critical Care Paramedics, and Charity Staff (via Lancaster University Consultancy Service)
Client:North West Air Ambulance
Personnel:Ahmed Kheiri and Burak Boyaci
Project Start Date:March 2024 (80 hours)
Notes:This consultancy project aims to optimise the location of NWAA offices and bases and study the impact on the staff of NWWA of the merger or relocation of office facilities

Title:                                   Consultancy to Solve Linde's Inventory Routing Problem (via Lancaster University Consultancy Service)
Client:BOC Limited
Personnel:Ahmed Kheiri
Project Start Date:April 2021 (7 days)

Title:                                   Testing a Developed Software Tool for BOC (via Lancaster University Consultancy Service)
Client:BOC Limited
Personnel:Ahmed Kheiri
Project Start Date:November 2020 (4 days)

Title:                                   Finding the Best Base Locations and Team Configurations (via Lancaster University Consultancy Service)
Client:North West Air Ambulance
Personnel:Ahmed Kheiri and Burak Boyaci
Project Start Date:February 2020 (38 days)
Notes:This consultancy project aims to study the impact of having different numbers of helicopters and to consider the most appropriate bases for the aircraft

Industrial Collaboration

I have extensive links with external organisations, undertaking consultancy and research projects with ORTEC, AirLiquide and more

Examining and Reviewing Duties
PhD External Examiner